"spărgătoare de lacăte cîntătoare"
N-am inteles niciodata prea bine de ce se revolta lumea atit de tare de Nigeria Connection, si cu atit mai putin de ce incearca unii sa fie ei aia mai smecheri. Eu unul obisnuiam intr-o vreme sa ma uit la suma de bani si sa spun cind entuziasmat “Oooooooo, astazi avem 15 milioane!”, cind cu usor regret “Eh, astazi numai un milion jumate, hm”.
Mailul de mai jos s-a ratacit de curind pe maidanul cu spam. Imi inchipui ca Mrs. Amanda Rose trebuie sa fie o bunica africana de mare volum, imbracata in culori superbe, cu ochii mari si stralucitori, si mai ales foarte tandra si afectuoasa, nu insa lipsita de severitatea obligatorie unei educatii traditionale.
Enjoy: Este o capodopera a genului. (Si nu cumva sa scapati din vedere ultimul rind al mesajului, e important.)
From: rose.amanda001@gmail.com
Date: 14. Juni 2009 05:01:28 MESZ
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Answer to: charles001@gmail.com
Greetings To You My Dear Friend!!!
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family? I hope this mail meets you in a perfect condition. I am happy to inform you about my success in getting your winning funds under the co-operation of anew partner from ASIA . Presently I'm in ASIA CHINA for investment projects with my own share of the total sum. Meanwhile, I did not forget your past efforts and attempts to get your winnings despite that it failed somehow.
Now contact my secretary in ABUJA his name is MR Peter Olumide below his contact information.
CONTACT AGENT: MR charles Kuramo
EMAIL: kuramo0001@gmail.com
Tel: TEL: +234-8074644875
Ask him to send you the total $1,500,000.00 (1 MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND US DOLLARS) certified bank Cheque, which I raised in your favor for your compensation for all the past efforts and attempt in this matter.
I appreciated your efforts at that time very much.
So feel free and get in touch with my secretary and give his your address where to send the draft to you. Please do let me know immediately you receive the Cheque to enable us share the joy after all the sufferness at that time.
At the moment, I'm very busy here because of the investment projects, which the new partner and me are having at hand, finally, remember that I had forwarded instruction to the secretary on your behalf to Receive that money. So feel free to get in touch with him (MR CHARLES KURAMO) without any delay.
Thanks and God bless you and your family.
Best regards,
Yours faithfully,
© 2009
4 comentarii:
Emoţionant gest, cît scepticism ha ha ha!
Acum cîţiva ani am dus o întreagă corespondenţă cu un asemenea expeditor. Tot îl rugam să vină în Ro, îl aştept eu la aeroport, căci trebuie neapărat să bem o ţuică împreună.
Ei, si a venit? *foarte*curios*
Ha ha ha, mi'aş fi dorit eu.
O dată am întreţinut o scurtă corespondenţă cu o gingaşă doamnă nigeriană.
Am povestit despre ea la Klara.
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